
,2010年11月5日—HowcanyoutakeascreenshotofyourdesktopwhilebootedinWindows7?There'snoprintscreenbuttoninmyMacbookProkeyboard.Show ...,2021年9月13日—HowdoItakeascreenshotonWindows7installedinaMacbookpro.HowdoItakeascreenshotonWindows7installedinaMacbookpro.Show ...,Thefastestwaytotakeacustomizablescreenshot.Fastscreenshotofselectedarea:Ourappallowsyoutoselectanyareaonyourdesktopandtakeits ...,Thi...

Windows 7 Screenshots while in Bootcamp...

2010年11月5日 — How can you take a screenshot of your desktop while booted in Windows 7? There's no print screen button in my Macbook Pro keyboard. Show ...

How do I take a screenshot on Windows 7 i…

2021年9月13日 — How do I take a screenshot on Windows 7 installed in a Macbook pro. How do I take a screenshot on Windows 7 installed in a Macbook pro. Show ...

Lightshot — screenshot tool for Mac & Win

The fastest way to take a customizable screenshot. Fast screenshot of selected area: Our app allows you to select any area on your desktop and take its ...

How to Take Screenshots Simply on Windows and Mac

This will copy the screenshot to your clipboard. To capture just the active window, press “Alt + PrtScn” simultaneously. 2. Using the Snipping Tool (Windows 7) ...


按Print Screen (PrtSc) 以進行靜態影像剪取。 按Windows 標誌鍵 + Shift + R以進行視訊剪取。 使用螢幕擷取畫面.

Is there a "Print Screen" command in Boot Camp on ...

2010年5月7日 — Alt + Shift + Fn + F11 : Print Active Window. For more 'missing keys', see the following Apple Support page:

How to Take a Screenshot on Windows (7, 8, 10) ...

2024年1月16日 — Use the Windows Key + Shift + S to access the Snipping Tool, to select and capture specific windows, or a specific section of a page. Support.

如何在Windows 或Mac 中擷取螢幕快照

如何在Windows 或Mac 中擷取螢幕快照? 本文適用於: 平台: Vista, Windows XP, Windows 8, Windows 7, macOS. 在Windows 上擷取錯誤之螢幕快照的說明 ... Print Screen 鍵。

MAC實用技巧mac 與windows 7 雙系統下螢幕截圖

2013年11月12日 — 使用MAC時,少了print screen 這顆鍵,截圖起來頗不順手的, 組合鍵還滿容易忘記的,這邊就做簡單的小記錄分享: MAC 系統: